This is my second post of the day. My first post was all about my retired items for sale. You really don’t want to miss that and you can see that post HERE.
You can now order from the new Stampin Up annual 2017-2018 catalog. OMG – there are so many cool things to see and love in this new catalog. Do you have yours already. If you have ordered from me before you should have received a catalog in the mail in May. If you already have a demonstrator, ask her/him to get you one right away. If you you don’t have a demonstrator and would like for me to be your demonstrator, please let me know and I’ll get a catalog out to you right away,
You need a wish list to keep track of all the items you are considering. Got ya covered.
You need a way to purchase. My on-line store is open 24×7 for you to order any time you like. Click the Shop Now button to get started.
You need the catalog. Here is an electronic version to use until you have a hard copy of your very own that you can tag, and mark and drool over. It is quite long – way more pages than last year, and that means way more stuff – so don’t try printing it.
Consider having your catalog spiral bound. I do this every year so my catalog is easy to use and stays neat and tidy. I take my catalog to Staples or a Fed Ex store for binding. Best part, it is less than $5 and you can opt for a clear plastic front cover and a black plastic back cover for even more protection. If you are looking through your catalog a lot, taking it with you to crops and stamp clubs, work, whatever, spiral bounding is a real plus. You can lay it out flat or fold back on itself .
Happy shopping everyone
Click here to see my Retired Items for sale
Such a great post! So many ways to enjoy this catalog!