Baby Boy Birthday

One year ago this month, my nephew Will was born.  It was a very scary time as his mother, my sister-in-law Jen, was in danger with preeclampsia and Will was 6 weeks early. My poor brother Joe  thought at several points that he was going to loose both of them.  Luckily for them, they both pulled through.  Will, however, had a long while before he could come home from the hospital.  I can only imagine what my brother and sister-in-law went through those first months, worrying about Will, long stays at the hospital to be with him, explaining what was happening to Will’s 5 year old sister Sydney.  Jen was determined to breast feed, even if it meant pumping at home and providing her milk to the nurses to feed to will through a feeding tube.  A long and stressful time for them.

BUT, then he came home, and he thrived, and he grew and he turned into the typical one year old, beautiful little boy he is now.  Huge blue eyes with the best, and I mean best, head of blond hair.

Here is the card I made to celebrate his one year celebration.


and here is the inspiration for my card…..

Love you Will-WIll

Aunt Lynn

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About Lynn

Thanks for visiting my Site. My name is Lynn Kolcun and I'm a Stampin Up Demonstrator. I love being creative with paper and ink, learning new techniques and sharing my craft with you.


  1. such a sweet post! love the card and the healthy little boy. God bless his family!

  2. Super cute card BUT not nearly as cute as little WILL! Happy birthday sweet boy!

  3. Lynn, I’m so glad you shared a picture of Will and so glad for a happy/healthy outcome. I love the candy dot eyes on the card! Happy Birthday Will!

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