Easy to read PDF lists…
…of all items Last Chance Items from Stampin UP! Including notes on specific details. Grab your calendar and your laptop and get ready to order.
There are two separate lists below.
- The first is all retiring items in the current Jan – Jun mini catalog. This was not included in my post on Wed evening. (so so sorry about that, I didn’t realize there were two lists until yesterday).
- The second is for the Annual Catalog. These items were all included in my post on Wednesday
You can shop from all retiring items, regardless of the catalog they are included in if you click
Click to shop all Last Chance Items
A word about bundles. You’ll see reference to ONLY BUNDLE PRICE IS RETIRING. This means the products themselves will still be available in Jun, but you won’t be able to get the bundle pricing.
You’ll see references to Suites retiring, That means the entire suite (dies, stamps, DSP etc) is retiring, or everything but the die and stamps are retiring. Each one is marked with a note for clarification.
Items changing item codes
You will see several items listed that you might think are retiring, but they are not, only the item code is retiring, or the way they are packaged, or the manufacturers is changing, requiring a new item code. Some examples of these are…
Stampin Blends – they are not retiring – Thank goodness. However, they will only be sold as combo packs of one light and one dark marker instead of individually as they are today.
Several dies are not retiring – Stitched Rectangles, Stitched Shapes, layering circles, layering squares, layering ovals and a few in this category. They are being manufactured by a different company and will have a new item number in the new catalog. Same great products.
Jan – June Mini Catalog Retiring Items
Click to access Last-Chance-Products-JJ-2020-Mini-US-ALL-Larger-Print.pdf
Annual Catalog Retiring Items
Click to access Last-Chance-Products-AC-US-2019-2020-ANNUAL-PDF-LARGER-PRINT.pdf
Isolation Inspiration Kits
I can make a kit for you using stamp sets you already have at home too. Order your Avery’s Owlery Isolation Inspiration Kits from me today and get some much-needed craft time in these days of stay at home orders. Click for more details.
Click For Isolation Inspiration Kit Info
Click to see all my Make at Home KitsThank you for visiting today. I always appreciate your comments and answer all questions as soon as possible. Until next time…
Happy Stamping