Occasions Catalog starts Jan 5-May 31
Occasions Catalog – All the Occasions that are important in your life, birthdays, anniversaries, babies being born, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter….they are al here in this wonderful new catalog starting today. Check it out by clicking on the image above.
Sale-A-Bration starts Jan 5-March 31
Sale-a-Bration – the biggest event Stampin Up holds – also goes live on Jan 5. For every $50 in Stampin Up product you order, you can select an item for Free from the Sale-a-Bration brochure and there are some really cute items in there, stamp sets, paper, Project Life, and many of them coordinate with items in the Occasions catalog for even more use. Check it out by clicking on the image above.
Big Sign Up Offers Starting Jan 5
Have you ever considered how great it would be to order Stampin Up products with a built in 20% discount. That is what all Demonstrators receive on all the orders placed. Most demonstrators are Hobby demos. That means they signed up to be a demo really just for themselves so they can enjoy that 20% savings. Joining is easy. Just select $125 worth of products that you want, but only pay $99.00. But Wait – Stampin Up makes it even better to join during Sale-a-Bration. If you join during SAB, you get to select an additional $30 in products and still only pay $99.00. That’s $155 in Stampin Up product for only $99 and that is equal to a 36% discount. If you host a workshop, you can even use the Stampin Rewards you earn on the party towards your starter kit of $99. That’s even more savings.
All other orders you place for yourself or perhaps for others will be discounted 20%. Membership is minimal but if you don’t want to maintain it or don’t place any other orders, there is no penalty to drop. Actually there are lots of people who join during SAB every year, drop a few months later, then join again during SAB the next year. Stampin Up makes it easy to do and cost effective as well. If you are interested in the fabulous offer, just email me, text or call and I’ll answer all your questions. Or, if you already know you are ready, click on this link, enter my name – Lynn Kolcun – to locate me in the directory and click the Join Now button. https://ida.stampinup.com/en/
Lynn Kolcun